CRM Add-On's & Help Desk

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CRM Help Desk

We want to help you through navigating the system, set it up correctly, and make sure you do not have any issues. Below are guides to guide you along the way!

This is the Equipment Broker Platform Flow Chart Process!



Manage Company Details

(Step 1)

There are certain organization specific details, which help differentiate one organization from another. Equipment Broker Platform will only work the way it is designed if the company details are entered, properly spelled, and accurate.

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Managing Equipment Broker Platform Account Settings (Step 2)

In Equipment Broker Platform Accounts, the mandatory fields under the Personal information section are set to default as soon as you register with any Equipment Broker Platform service. After logging in, you can change the information according to your preference. When you change certain fields under the personal information section, the corresponding fields in Equipment Broker Platform CRM will be updated automatically.

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Customizing Home Tab

(Step 3)


The Home tab of Equipment Broker Platform CRM is a quick indicator of the progress of all your CRM activities. It contains components from different modules such as Tasks, Potentials, Dashboards and so on. One quick glance at the components of the Home tab will tell you how your sales activities are faring.
Besides indicating the progress of your CRM activities, the Home tab also serves as a great place to organize your day's work, as well as your teams'. This is possible by means of the three types of "Views" in the Home tab of Equipment Broker Platform CRM.

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Adding or Deleting Users

(Step 4)

In Equipment Broker Platform CRM, a user is one who manages records, whether their own or those shared by other users, within the organization. In addition to accessing the CRM data, some of the users can perform administrative functions for the smooth running of the CRM account. As administrators, you can add users to the organization's Equipment Broker Platform CRM account, enabling your employees to carry out their day-to-day tasks independently.
Adding users in CRM is based on your editions and number of user licences. Each user can sign into their account with an email address and password. Every user is given a role and profile . The profile determines what features a user is allowed to access and the role determines what data the user can access based on the organization's hierarchy.

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Activating and Deactivating Users

(Step 5)

Sometimes a users' position may change, or they may move to different business units. In such cases, you might have to deactivate those users after transferring ownership of the records to other users. Note that deactivating a user is different from deleting a user.

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Deleting and Transferring Users

(Step 6)

You may have to delete a user from the CRM account when they discontinue service in the organization or are transferred to a different person. Before deleting the user it is important that you transfer the records they own and the ones assigned to them based on specific configurations to other users.

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Your Glossary for key terms, definitions and reasons in the platform!

We suggest going through the system field by field with this guide when starting out. Also use this if you are ever interested in what a field is.


Working With Custom Fields

In Equipment Broker Platform, you can add new fields as per your requirements. These fields will be available to all the users added to your organization's CRM account.


Importing Data To Equipment Broker Platform!


Twilio/Equipment Broker Platform Set-Up Guide!

Twilio, the hosted PBX system integrated with Equipment Broker Platform offers options to organize your organization's incoming and outgoing calls from within Equipment Broker Platform. You can configure the Twilio set up to manage call and associate the calls with the leads/contacts/accounts in your CRM database.

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CRM Add-On's

If you want to be able to turn your CRM Platform into even more of a marketing deal funding machine. Take a look at the Add-on's available below!

Automatic Re-Engage Lead Email Drip (5 Emails)

Nurture campaigns are time-based emails that are sent out to your audience in order to inform them of an offer and, over time, motivate them to take some sort of action, like taking advantage of your offer.   That is why we will set this up for you. We will set up a 5 email drip sequence to leads that do not go anywhere.   The lead will get an email on days 60,65,70,75,80. This will make sure nothing is falling through the cracks. A drip campaign and lead nurture campaign are similar in that you send a series of email newsletters to your audience. However, a drip campaign is simply time-based, whereas lead nurturing emails are considered emotionally-based campaigns. Nurture customers as a parent would a child. A parent could simply give their child food and water at specified times during the day to keep the child physically healthy. However, that type of care is not going to make the child thrive. For that, they need to be nurtured emotionally. Spending time with them, listening to them, learning all you can about them—that is how you nurture a child’s soul. The same is true of customers on your email list. There will be times when a drip campaign is warranted. At other times, though, you’ll need to utilize your email newsletters in such as way as to nurture your list. As with a child, you don’t just want to keep your email list alive; you want it to thrive. You want potential customers to turn into loyal, long-term customers that will recommend you to those they know.

$49.99 USD every month +
$199.00 USD setup fee

Automatic Win-Back Funded Client Email Drip (7 Emails)

A win-back email campaign is a series of targeted and personalized messages you send to your funded clients. If they’re dormant, they often just need a gentle nudge to wake them up. And you can do that with the humble win-back email. The first step is to identify those customers primed for re-engagement. This is not a blast campaign. To work, it must be targeted and personalized. So, who are we looking for? Funded Clients. Easy.   That is why we will set this up for you. We will set up a 7 email drip sequence to funded clients. The lead will get 7 emails over 7 months. Once, a month. This will make sure you are not missing out on potential future deals, or losing your deals to competitors. A win-back campaign and lead nurture campaign are similar in that you send a series of emails  to your audience. However, a drip campaign is simply time-based, whereas win-back campaigns are considered emotionally-based campaigns. Nurture customers as a parent would a child. A parent could simply give their child food and water at specified times during the day to keep the child physically healthy. However, that type of care is not going to make the child thrive. For that, they need to be nurtured emotionally. Spending time with them, listening to them, learning all you can about them—that is how you nurture a child’s soul. The same is true of funded clients. There will be times when a win-back campaign is warranted. At other times, though, you’ll need to utilize your email newsletters in such as way as to nurture your list. As with a child, you don’t just want to keep your funded clients alive; you want them to thrive. You want funded clients to turn into loyal, long-term clients that will recommend you to those they know.

$49.99 USD every month +
$199.00 USD setup fee